Do You Fear Missing The Train Of The Next Framework?

Are you dealing with FOMO? (fear of missing out) it’s a real thing in the developer community.

Don’t learn something if you fear to miss the train of the next big thing.

Learn it because it makes you feel on 🔥 or that it makes you powerful 💪!

FOMO is gonna stress you out! It will never be enough!

Almost every day there comes a new library or framework. But do you need it? NO!

If you have to build cool things with your basics, it can help you dive into any framework or library.

If you have no experience with React, VueJS, Angular, Svelte, or something else. Don’t let it scare you that won’t get a job!

Never let anyone tell you that framework XYZ is better, so you should learn that!

Build super awesome things because YOU like it! This will help you grow and stay motivated every day!

Building cool things is the best thing to do as a developer as long as it makes you happy!

Do what makes you happy!

Ask yourself what makes me happy?! Pick that!

It’s more important to do work which you enjoy for the biggest part than if you regret doing something else! 😊✌️

If you love complexity, pick something where you can eat your heart out! If you love building simple but beautiful UI components, do that!

I have, after 10 years, that I won’t be the next big framework builder! That complexity and way of building generic things make me frustrating!

No, I’m a developer who is using the cool frameworks whenever I need it!

And that is fine 🤗!

It can be hard for yourself to come to this conclusion. But if things get you frustrating, do something about it, and make smart choices for yourself!

I hope this post encourages you to go on and make choices for the sake of yourself ☺️

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